November 29

If you remember from our previous article, being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) means your nervous system is more sensitive to your surroundings. You may feel easily overstimulated, overwhelmed, and stressed out. The HSB, or Highly Sensitive Body, is a term I coined to focus on the physiological characteristics of the highly sensitive, particularly as it relates to their unique health concerns as well as the special lifestyle and dietary requirements for them to maintain a balanced and healthy life.


Two of the most common disease-driven forces in modern life are toxins and stress. Both cause immune dysfunction and push our body into a situation that we have never seen in our entire human history. Due to their sensitive nature, the HSB is vulnerable to and has a difficult time dealing with toxins and stressors. The physiological characteristics of the HSB may include the followings:

  1. Sensitivity to emotional stress: According to ancient Chinese medicine, emotions are processed through specific energetic pathways called meridians in the body. A strong emotional impact results in meridian blockages and further leads to physiological problems. For the HSB, emotions have deeper and broader impacts to the body and easily cause energetic detoxification blockages and body imbalances. Any health concerns of the HSB may have emotional component. Thus, addressing emotional blockage properly is necessary to help resolve health issues of the HSB.

  1. Sensitive to harmful energetic frequencies: Electromagnetic frequencies, radiations and geopathic stresses such as radon gas are able to cause switches in our energetic polarity system. The polarity switch hurts the HSB because it creates chaotic energy communications and makes the stress more damaging to the body. Avoiding overuse of electronic devices such as computers, cell phones and TV is crucial for the health of HSB. Checking for radon at home and in the water system may also help to address hidden dangers that can exacerbate chronic health issues.

  1. Easily develop into adrenal fatigue syndrome: Stresses from work, family, past emotional trauma, finances and physical discomfort all trigger adrenal stress. Long-term stresses cause malfunction of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system, which leads to insomnia, fatigue, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is the root issue for hypersensitive immune responses and leads to a vicious cycle of hypersensitivities. For the HSB, adequate amount of rest and sleep is necessary to maintain their healthy life. Exercise and relaxation such as yoga, meditation, and acupucntreu can also help to reduce adrenal stress.

  1. Have more food and environmental sensitivities: The HSB easily develops sensitivities to any substances they are exposed to frequently. This sensitivity is an “energetic” response and different from an “allergy,” which is a term used by conventional medicine to describe an antigen-antibody reaction. Energetic sensitivity happens prior to the development of the antibody — a deeper issue and harder to correct. Avoiding common allergens such as wheat, dairy, and refined sugar helps to reduce food sensitivities. Rotation diet may also prevent future development of food allergies.

  1. Responds to medication and supplementation differently: The HSB often have adverse reactions towards medications and supplements. Thus, mild over-the-counter medications may work better than prescribed ones, and single herbal remedies may work better than complex formulas or high potency homeopathic remedies.  In order to correct the issues, hypersensitivity and polarity switch have to be addressed.

Overall, HSPs know their bodies function somewhat differently compare to other people. They are highly intelligent, creative, and accomplished, yet easily overwhelmed and stressed. They try to eat mostly healthy foods but still struggle with food sensitivities and digestive issues. They try to live in an extreme allergen-free environment (no carpet, animals, and chemicals) but still have signs of environmental allergies. They seem to be deficient in vitamins and minerals but nutritional supplements never agree with them for a long time. Many HSPs respond poorly to healing protocols that work for their friends and coworkers. If the above somewhat describes you, you DO have a highly sensitive body.

Kimberly Netling is a licensed acupuncturist specialized in holistic healing for the Highly Sensitive. She teaches highly sensitive people to listen to their bodies and take charge of their own health and wellbeing. With her own systematic protocol that includes Chinese medicine, modern homeopathy, energetic testing and allergy desensitization, Dr. Netling helps Highly Sensitive people gain back their immune strength and get their life back! Her acupuncture clinic is in Vero Beach, Florida. Book an appointment now!


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