December 21

This is a wonderful time of year for many reasons. However, the lack of vitamin D from sunlight along with holiday stress and overindulgence takes a toll on our health and immune function in the winter. Although we use the term “winter” loosely here in warm and sunny Florida, it is still important to take extra care of our immune system in the cooler months.

Our immune system is truly amazing; it works to remove and neutralize viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other pathogens that can make us sick. 

So what can you do to support your immune system and best protect yourself? 

Lifestyle plays an important role in our immune system health. You can support a healthy immune system by getting adequate sleep and physical activity, minimizing alcohol, avoiding tobacco, and managing stress. 

Nutrition also plays a vital role in immune system health. Generally speaking, we can all benefit from minimizing processed foods and opting for real, whole foods including lean meats, healthy fats, and seasonal vegetables and fruits. When it comes to supporting your immune system, there are several key nutrients that may help!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids may enhance the function of immune cells, as well as benefit brain and eye health, autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, depression, and anxiety. 

B Vitamins – B vitamins are vital for good health and functioning. They work together to help boost the body’s immune system as well as boost cell health and energy. 

Vitamin C – Did you know that vitamin c may help reduce the duration and symptoms of the common cold, respiratory infections, and bronchitis? Food sources of vitamin c include oranges, kiwi, lemons, strawberries, broccoli, asparagus, and peppers.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D plays a vital role in protecting us against cold, flu, and respiratory tract infections. It is one of the most important immune system-strengthening nutrients – and one that many people tend to be deficient in, especially during the cooler winter months. Sunlight and food sources are the best ways to get vitamin D, including red meat, oily fish, egg yolks, and liver. When sunlight and food sources aren’t enough, high quality supplements can make up the difference.

Vitamin E – This nutrient plays an important role in keeping the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. Vitamin E also impacts the production of immune cells and red blood cells, It also provides powerful antioxidant protection. Food sources of vitamin e include Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, hazelnuts, almonds, and avocado. 

Trace Minerals – Selenium, zinc, and copper have been shown to be vital to immune system functioning. In particular, zinc may help decrease the symptoms and duration of the common cold. Food sources of zinc include egg yolks, oysters, lean red meat, turkey, almonds, and cashews. Eggs, pork, beef, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish, and Brazil nuts are great sources of selenium. 

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – NAC is a great addition to your immune system support arsenal. This nutrient acts as a protective shield during cold and flu season, and helps the body break down excess mucus. It is also a precursor to the super antioxidant glutathione; together they support the body in detoxification and other essential functions.  

Probiotics – Did you know that an estimated 70-80% of your immune system is based in the gut wall? Cultivating a healthy gut is a top priority for immune system function – as well as overall health. Different strains of probiotics have different functions, many of which promote immune health. Certain probiotics have actually been found to help the body support immune cells, identify and target harmful pathogens, and promote the production of natural antibodies. Studies have also found that specific strains of probiotics are “effective for fighting the common cold and influenza-like respiratory infections, including Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus paracasei.

Bonus Immune Boosting Tip: Try acupuncture! Research has found that acupuncture increases the amount of immune cells in your body. This includes T-cells as well as red and white blood cells. Book a Vero Beach acupuncture appointment now! 


acupuncture, Acupuncture for Stress, Holiday Stress, vero beach acupuncture

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