December 31

Are you one of the nearly 70 million people in the U.S. how are tired of being tired?

Good news, the science is in: Acupuncture is a highly effective way to help you get some zzzzzz’s!

Research studies have found that approximately 90% of people treated with acupuncture for insomnia have experienced significant relief. These studies found that acupuncture increased the production of melatonin, leading to a better night’s rest along with an increase in overall well-being. Study participants who received acupuncture reportedly fell asleep faster, slept for a longer period of time and without interruption, and experienced an overall deeper sleep.

Did you know that sleeping pills are among the most common medications a person can find? Not surprising given the number of people who struggle with sleep issues. However, many sleep medications come with negative and potentially dangerous side effects, leading many people to seek natural alternatives. The negative effects of sleeping pills, along with an increasing interest in natural remedies, has prompted many to seek out alternative ways to address their insomnia and sleep issues. Scientific research has found that acupuncture is a safer alternative to sleeping pills, and is effective at promoting a restful night’s sleep. 

Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, that that has been practiced for centuries. It involves the insertion of tiny, hair-thin needles on specific points on the body to promote balance and support the body’s innate healing capabilities. 

Acupuncture has been found to balance the production of melatonin, serotonin, and endorphins, which impact sleep as well as mood, pain, and tension. Research on thousands of patients has demonstrated marked improvements in sleep, with most reporting an increase of up to three hours per night thanks to acupuncture. 

If sleep problems are being caused by underlying issues like stress or pain, acupuncture can also help address that. In fact, acupuncture has been found to balance blood hormone levels, drastically lowering levels of peptides that induce stress and anxiety, and positively impacting the body’s responses to stress, mood, and emotions. Research has also found that acupuncture is a powerful remedy for chronic or acute pain, as it impacts the production of the body’s natural pain relievers, known as “endorphins.”

Some people may be reluctant to try acupuncture, primarily because they worry it might be painful, or just, in general, find the idea of sticking needles into their bodies to be disconcerting. However, the reality is that acupuncture needles are extremely small, and produce little to no pain when inserted by a skilled, qualified acupuncturist. 

Your quality of sleep affects every area of your life, from brain function and memory to mood, appetite, stress, and even relationships. Get relief from those sleepless nights – book a Vero Beach acupuncture appointment now!


acupuncture, Acupuncture for Stress, acupuncture pain relief, acupuncture vero beach, alternative to sleeping pills, insomnia, natural alternative to sleeping pills, natural insomnia relief, natural relief for insomnia, Pain Management Vero Beach, Stress management, trouble sleeping, vero beach acupuncture, Vero Beach Holistic

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