March 29

Acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny, thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing. This time-honored healing modality has been used to treat a wide variety of illnesses and symptoms, from pain to anxiety, headaches to insomnia, and everything in between. In fact, many clinical studies have found acupuncture to be a beneficial form of treatment for a number of issues. It comes as no surprise that people are increasingly turning to acupuncture to address symptoms and promote health – and often at the recommendation of their mainstream physicians!

Read on to learn more about some of the most popular benefits of acupuncture and why this form of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been practiced for thousands of years!

Strengthen Your Immune System

Acupuncture supports immune health in a number of ways. It has been found to boost the body’s immune system as well as reduce the duration of a cold and relieve many cold, flu, and sinus symptoms. Acupuncture also helps with sleep issues and energy levels, which often suffer when we get sick. 

Headache and Migraine Relief 

Looking for a side-effect free way to manage headaches and/or migraines? Try acupuncture! Acupuncture works to relieve headaches by stimulating blue flow, decreasing inflammation, helping the body balance serotonin levels, and boosting endorphins. Each of these plays a role in headaches. In fact, studies on acupuncture found that it reduced the frequency of headaches by roughly 50% in people suffering from migraines. The results have been so positive that both the American Migraine Foundation and the World Health Organization recognize the efficacy of acupuncture for migraines and pain. Bonus: acupuncture doesn’t cause any of the pesky side effects that often come with headache and migraine medications.  Such side effects include nausea, fatigue, depression, dizziness, hair loss, tingling, dry mouth, weight changes, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and more. 


Acupuncture helps with allergies in multiple ways. It promotes the body’s natural immunity and self-healing capabilities, which in turn can diminish frequency and severity of allergy attacks. Acupuncture also treats allergy symptoms including runny nose, scratchy throat, and puffy eyes. 

Manage Anxiety and Stress

Acupuncture is well known for its ability to promote positive mood and decrease stress and anxiety. It does this in a number of ways. Acupuncture has been found to balance blood hormone levels, significantly decreasing levels of peptides that induce anxiety and stress. Acupuncture also promotes positive mood and feelings of well-being. Finally, research on acupuncture has also found that it can improve mental clarity and functioning. 

Promote Restful Sleep

Research has found that acupuncture increases the body’s natural ability to produce melatonin, the hormone responsible for our sleep-wake cycles. Research has documented an increase of up to three hours a night of sleep thanks to acupuncture, as well as improvement in quality of sleep. 

Support a Healthy Gut

Another science-backed benefit of acupuncture is a healthier gut! Research has found that acupuncture reduces inflammation in the stomach as well as promotes balance in the liver, endocrine system, and nervous system. It can also help improve blood flow, promoting bowel movements and more effective digestion. Acupuncture also stimulates the release of vital minerals, enzymes, and bacteria that are involved in the regulation of digestive function, including bloating, nausea, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and waste elimination. 

Reduce Pain

Pain management is one of the most common reasons that people seek out acupuncture. It is hailed as the “first line of defense [for] patients suffering from low back pain.” Pain reductions have been reported in as many as 85% of chronic pain patients that have been studied over the years. Clinical research supports acupuncture as “an effective and safe form of treatment for many forms of chronic and acute pain.” Acupuncture works to address pain by stimulating  the release of endorphins, also known as the human body’s natural pain-killing chemicals. Best of all, it does this without the negative side effects that come with pain pills.

Ready to schedule your acupuncture appointment in Vero Beach, Florida? Book an acupuncture appointment now!


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